Benefits of Basil Leaves in Rainy Season

Posted on the 02 July 2022 by Deepti @deepti48
Basil leaves or tulsi have medicinal properties that can cure many health problems. During the rainy season, children and adults alike suffer from one or the other health problem like cold, cough, fever, digestive problems, respiratory disorders, skin infections, insect bites, malaria, dengue, and infections of different kinds. With the help of basil leaves, you can prevent many of the above issues or find relief from many problems. Some of the serious diseases related to the kidney, heart, liver, and stomach can also be tackled with home recipes made of basil leaves.

Benefits of Basil leaves   

Explore The Benefits of basil leaves to cure different ailments.

Basil leaves have several benefits for both the health and skin of adults and kids alike. Basil leaves-

- are anti-inflammatory in nature.- work against the free radical activity.- detoxify the body- promote mental health and reduce stress.- regulate blood sugar levels.- provide macronutrients such as calcium and Vitamin D- contain antioxidants- boost skin health

Basil leaf remedies in daily health issues

Basil leaf has tremendous uses for the human body which cannot be included in one post. However, here are a few basil leaf remedies for daily health issues-

 Basil leaf remedies for Cold, cough, and fever 

  1. Chew some leaves of basil to cure a cold.
  2. Boil the leaves in water and let the patient gargle using this water. He/ she may also drink this water to cure the cough problem. In case of cough with phlegm, let the patient breathe the vapors coming from basil juice. 
  3. Additionally, a mixture of basil juice and honey in equal quantities can be given to provide relief from coughing. These recipes are suitable for children as well.
  4. Apply some basil juice on the forehead and chest of the patient to bring down the fever.
  5. The mixture of ginger and tulsi along with honey can combat respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis.
  6. Boil some leaves of tulsi/ basil in water and prepare tea as usual. Drinking this herbal tea during season change will protect you from common colds and coughs.



      Benefits of Basil Leaves for Stomach Problems

  1. If you or your child has worms in the stomach, then drinking warm tulsi juice can help to get rid of worms. Mix sugar with basil extract and consume it to get relief from constipation and other digestive problems.
  2. To relieve the child from stomachache, give him a mixture of basil juice and dry ginger powder in small quantities.

      Insect bites and sting home remedy

  1. In case of insect bites, crush some tulsi leaves and add some lemon. Apply it to the affected area to cure the problem.
  2. You may also apply basil leaf juice to the sting to reduce the effect and pain of insect bites.

      Basil Benefits for Skin of Adults as well as Kids

Unlike conventional treatments, basil offers many benefits to clear, clean, and protect your skin. For one, facial creams with basil oil extract work as a natural moisturizer that provides a natural glow; with a silky, unblemished texture to your skin. The herbal oil in basil is so powerful and effective that it works like a wonder on acne. Basil oil has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that help cure acne naturally by cleansing your skin. Other basil benefits for skin include:

  It works as a natural sunscreen. The active ingredients in the basil essential oil serve as a sun shield and provide excellent protection from harmful UV rays.

●  It can reduce wrinkles. Research suggests that regular application of a concentrated extract of basil leaves can help reduce wrinkles. Basil contains antioxidants that eliminate free radicals, repair skin damage and rejuvenate the skin.

   It fights fungal infections. Basil has antifungal properties and can cure some if not all fungal skin infections.

  It can reduce blackheads. Basil can combat bacterial infection and inflammation. Basil contains Camphene as an active component that helps remove surplus oil, dirt, and dead cells, which block skin follicles, thereby causing blackheads and whiteheads.

       Basil leaf Recipes for Skin Infections and Problems among Children

  1. Apply fresh basil leaves on the irritated skin to reduce itchiness.
  2. Drinking tulsi juice can provide relief from scabies and eczema.
  3. Apply the paste of tulsi leaves on the face to get acne-free, clean, and clear skin.
Related post- Ways to counter Eczema in Kids

     Basil Leaf Remedies for Malaria

Basil leaves are beneficial to treat malaria symptoms.

  1. Take extract of basil leaves with honey to cure malarial fever. Also, add some black pepper powder in basil leaves juice and provide it to malaria patients for quick relief.
  2. Chewing a few leaves of basil boosts the immunity system and is good for general health.
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Are you aware of the Benefits of Eating Basil Leaves Daily?

Basil is a fragrant herb that you can include in your daily diet without any side effects. There are over 60 varieties of basil, each having a strong smell and distinctive flavor. Basil contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin that are beneficial for health and help boost immunity. 

Basil benefits for skin and health are immense!

Here are some benefits of eating basil leaves daily:

   Reduces oxidative stress, combats free radicals, and heals damaged skin.

   Helps prevent cancer. 

   Regulates blood sugar.

   Prevents heart diseases.

   Improves mental health.

   Reduces inflammation.

   Protects against infections.

   Improves digestion and promotes gut health.

   Manages diabetes.

   Supports liver function and naturally detoxifies the body.

   Cures a common cold.

   Fights bad breath.

   Aids weight loss.

It is best to consume basil empty stomach if you want to amplify its goodness and experience all its health benefits. So, start eating basil every day for flawless skin, youthful appearance, and overall well-being.

Staying fit is the most important thing to enjoy on rainy days. Therefore, stay healthy and happy always! These basil leaf remedies are not substitutes for medical advice/recommendations. In case of severe conditions, a doctor’s advice should be followed.
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