Belly by Julia Pott

By Bloomer14 @Bloomsaturation
All my close friends and family know how passionate I am about art. One art form I regrettably haven't expressed or showcased here on my blog is my love for film. I love every aspect that goes into creating a visual piece of art and my first love affair started with photography and cinema. I once dated a film student and would "act" (ha ha) in his short films as well as pose for many of his photography assignments. I myself started taking film classes and was instantly drawn towards perspective, lighting, silence, and point of view. This piece I'm sharing with you today is titled 'Belly' and it is a beautiful coming-of-age story told through the british born animator/illustrator Julia Pott's undeniably talented illustrations. 'Belly' was screened at Sundance as well as many other film festivals.
Another blogger I follow Marketa Krivy was kind enough to share this video via her blog today and that is how I came across it. Her blog is an amazing place to find all kinds of beautiful and inspiring art. 
This short film pulled at my heart strings on so many levels, enjoy.
Belly from Julia Pott on Vimeo.