Bell Pepper-tomato Chutney.

By Harini
Tomatoes are staple in my kitchen. As I mentioned here tomato chutney is my favorite and I often play with the other ingredients.It is almost like I throw in whatever I have in hand and see how it works out.Sometimes the dish turns out fabulous but the next day I will not be able to recollect what ingredients I actually used :) It has happened so many times and I regret for so many lost recipes of yummy dishes.The other day I prepared this chutney to go with vermicelli upma and my husband liked this chutney more than upma :).So I soon noted down the recipe in draft so that I can post it when ever wanted.
Like tomato I also love the flavor and taste of bell peppers and green bell peppers to be precise.It renders an amazing aroma to every thing from fried rice to curries and gravies. Now coming to this chutney,browned onions,roasted bell peppers and tomatoes along with a pinch of sugar blends so well and the finished dish is something really special.Try at least once and you will be left wanting more :)

1 large green bell pepper chopped with the seeds
1 tomato chopped coarsely
1 onion chopped coarsely
1 tea spoon gram dal
1 tea spoon sugar
2 dried red chilles
2 tea spoon sesame oil
Handful of cilantro
Salt to taste
For tempering:
1/2 tea spoon mustard seeds
1/2 tea spoon urad dal
10 curry leaves
1 tea spoon sesame oil
1.Heat oil in a kadai,add gram dal and fry till it turns golden brown,remove to a plate.
2.In the same kadai add dried red chillies and let them splutter,then add onion and sugar and fry till browned.Now add the tomatoes and fry well till the peel bursts.Next add the bell peppers,add salt to taste and saute well for ten minutes and remove from heat.
3.Add the washed cilantro and grind.
4.Temper with mustard,urad dal and curry leaves and serve with upma,idly or dosa.
Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 4
1.This chutney keeps well in fridge for up to three days.
2.You can make masala rice in a jiffy by just mixing this chutney with cold white rice.
3.Tastes great as a bread spread and sandwich chutney.
4.Sesame oil is best choice and also healthy to use compared to sunflower oil.