Racial problems in the United States have not disappeared, regardless of what some people would like to think. But in spite of the racists who came out from under their rocks after the election of President Obama, the opinion of most Americans was going up as recently as 2013 as regards the treatment of Blacks in this society. In 2013, about 62% of the general public (including 67% of Whites, 61% of Hispanics, and even 47% of Blacks) said they thought Blacks were generally treated fairly.
But the problems highlighted by the national media, especially as related about the killing of unarmed Blacks by the police, have radically altered those opinions. In 2015, the belief that Blacks are treated fairly has dropped 13 points among the general public, 14 points among Whites, 17 points among Hispanics, and 14 points among Blacks.
This is a good thing, because it means that many Americans of all races are beginning to wake up to the reality of the unfairness that still exists in this society. But too many still prefer to deny that reality. For instance, a majority of Whites (53%) profess to believe Blacks are treated fairly. I don't know if those people are racist, ignorant, or just choosing to hide their heads in the sand (because they don't want to see "white privilege" eroded any further). Whatever the reason, it is inexcusable.
Recently, a "Black Lives Matter" movement has been started to try and correct the inequities in this country. Sadly, some people have tried to deflect this by countering with "All Lives Matter". Of course all lives matter, but it is not "all lives" that are being treated unfairly by the police (and other institutions) in this country -- it is Black lives. And until we recognize that, it cannot be corrected.
The chart above was made with information from the Gallup Poll -- most recently conducted between June 15th and July 10th of a random national sample of 2,296 adults, with a margin of error of 4 points. The margin of error for Whites is 5 points, for Blacks is 5 points, and for Hispanics is 7 points.