Believe is a magical word. If you believe impossible becomes possible and if you believe walking is difficult, then it’ll surely become difficult. It’s your belief which shapes your attitude and life. It’s your first step towards success. It was belief of Arumina Sinha, a one legged women which empowered her to conquer Mount Everest. It was belief of Oscar Pistorius, a man with both legs amputated which empowered him to become the first amputee to win an able-bodied world track medal at summer Olympics in 2012.I was a shy writer before. I was afraid of being rejected by the readers. Approximately nine months ago on one bright day I started believing in myself and in my writing and Snappy Thoughts came into existence. It has done miracles for me and especially for my writing and confidence. Eighteen thousand page views in nine months are not excellent but for me it’s exciting and encouraging. Now I believe I can write for the next level. Some times I wonder what would have been my life if I didn't believe in myself and in my writing. It’s my belief and you, the most wonderful readers of the world who are responsible for directing my life.
It’s your belief which make you push your self beyond your limits. It’s your belief which brings satisfaction in your life. So, start believing and keep reading Snappy Thoughts.
Happy Reading <3 By Mayank Kashyap