Being Wise Or...

By Tinacolada @StyleScribbles

Since, my Internet connection has been running atsnail’s pace and I can’t seem to upload pictures and heavy attachments to my blog, I have decided to break the silence and talk, instead of just waiting around for it to change. So, the first thing I did today, was surf through the blogs I love the most and read some good stuff (even though only on my cell phone, since the Internet speed is better on it). I guess, like many of you, if I read something good, something useful or entertaining, I like to republish it on my twitter timeline, comment on how good a read it was, or just talk about it on my blog/ fbook page. The one thing that I realized, that annoyed me the most though, was the fact that so many bloggers have put the {‘spell-it’ before you publish your comment} protection (or whatever it’s called) thing on their blog. I understand completely that it is something that helps them stay away from spam and trust me, up until 4-5 months back I had it too. But every time I try to post a comment, using my cell phone, it is extremely difficult to click at the right spot on the touch screen for it and it just makes me give up on posting on that page.Now, like many of you (who have this added protection, don’t mind my saying so), I too always thought of keeping spam and junk messages away as my first goal, until I saw the reactions of many on the#bbloggers discussion forum once. It just made me realize that in my fight to keep spam away, I am actually shooing many of my regular readers and making it less fun for them to participate actively within my blog. A few even went on to say that, if it is made so difficult to comment on post, they just simply stop trying. End result is a decreased if not then, at least an unhappy fan following. And thanks a million to that particular #bbloggerchat, my readers’ interaction has increased, the comments are always sincere notes or their likes and dislikes on a post and I haven’t yet come across a spam in my comments section (guess goggle/ blogger takes care of it pretty good, found one in my spam folder in like, a year). So, my only thought, I am not going to stop reading your blog, just because it’s difficult for me to comment, but if you want to make it easier for your avid readers, stop being over protective. Well, give it a thought at least, think of how you feel, when you have half hour a day to catch up on your favorite picks and you waste time while trying to comment. Isn’t writing something and clicking send/ post way easier than the random tricky alphabets to type (half of the time they aren’t even readable). Whatever you choose to stick with, believe in it and stay confident that your blog is made up of what you write/ post and will get out there if the content is good. Love and luck to all. Have a fabulous week. xx