Being Enthusiastic Protects Your Memory From Aging!

Posted on the 07 December 2020 by Health_news

When you age, you might probably notice some changes in remembering things. This is common as you age, you will have trouble recalling certain memories. You might have walked into the living room to get the newspaper but suddenly you don't remember why you stepped in. You might even miss your appointment with your doctor.

A new study indicates that being enthusiastic and positive may help improve memory as you age.

Author from the Northwestern University study in the USA said, "We may wish some memories could last a lifetime, but many physical and emotional factors can negatively impact our ability to retain information throughout life.

The research team has gathered 991 middle aged and older US adults who participated in a national study conducted at three time periods - between 1995 and 1996, 2004 and 2006, and 2013 and 2014. In each of the analyses, the participants reported on a range of positive emotions they had experienced during the past 30 days.

The participants completed many tests for their memory performance in the final assessment. These tests involve recalling words after the presentation, listening and much more. The researchers examined the association between positive affect and memory decline, gender, education, negative affect and depression.

Senior author and associate professor at Northwestern University said that, "Our findings showed that memory declined with age."

They also added, "However, individuals with higher levels of positive affect had a less steep memory decline over the course of almost a decade."

Therefore, research proves that being positive and enthusiastic will help in improving memory as you age. We have listed below some of the best ways to keep your memory sharp, have a look.

Few of the Best Ways to Keep Your Memory Sharp at Any Age

  • Have yourself a Mnemonic device
  • Eat the right food
  • Repeat what you want to learn
  • Believe in yourself
  • Quit multitasking
  • Use all your senses
  • Increase your brain usage
  • Keep learning new things

Being Enthusiastic Protects Your Memory From Aging!

Eliza is a writer and author who specializes in topics related to mental health, diabetes, skin health, fitness, and allergies. All her articles are based on scientific evidence and she works hard to make all health-related information easy to understand and actionable. When she's not researching or writing, Eliza enjoys getting outdoors as much as possible.