Behind the Scenes: Season 5 Dog-Wolves Chew the Rubber Marcus

Posted on the 16 June 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

As seen on HBO Go, we learn that this season, the crew traded in wolves for hybrid dog-wolves. According to director Dan Minahan, they had quite a tough time getting the scene of digging up Marcus’ body filmed. He says:

“Every time the dog-wolves would dig up the body they would tear the head off and run away with it. It was this really frustrating process of trying to film as much as we could before they grabbed the lifecast of Marcus Bozeman and chew it up and run away with it.”

In the video below, True Blood’s Janina Gavankar (Luna) talks about filming the scene and how real the whole thing was. She said it was really creepy because the fake Marcus looked very real.

source: HBO Go