Behind The Scenes At The Roost Family Photography Workshop (video)

By Lovegetssweeter @LoveGetsSweeter

What do you do when you want to learn something new or expand on your skills as a self-employed working Mum?

You keep a look out for people who are where you'd love to be, who's work you admire and hope they happen to offer some sort of training too (that won't break the bank)!

As with self-employed life you only have yourself to consult with on whether the investment is a wise one. This usually requires a few days/weeks/months of internal struggle before you finally commit!

Many moons ago I was contemplating documenting family lives other than our own. I honestly had NO clue where to start or if I'd be good enough.

What I did know is that I LOVE the documentary approach. I had a decent eye. I LOVED capturing real, honest moments.

BUT I had tons of self doubt, questions and worries. All totally normal when you're deciding to try something new!

It was then that I stumbled across this incredible talented female family photographer called Anna Hardy.

As you do when it comes to photographer crushes/social media stalking I followed her everywhere (not in real life, just online...), signed up to all she had to offer and allowed her to totally inspire me to take my own family photography to the next level.

It wasn't long before an offer popped in to my inbox and I felt compelled to sign up to her in-person 'The Roost' family photography workshop in Manchester.

Family Photography with character. Build a profitable family photography business with soul.

Cue fan girl nerves and excitement...

I'm SO glad to say I wasn't disappointed in the slightest.

On the day we arrived in Manchester for The Roost Workshop. Anna was super warm and welcoming, we all got to wear name badges (cause you know, we're cool) and open up about where we are in our family photography journey and what we were hoping to gain from this experience.

I listened, I made notes, I added notes of my own as ideas leapt in to my head and I was soon over those initial nerves and excited to start implementing all I was learning from her.

One of the reason's I chose the 'in-person' workshop was the live shooting bit. I was really curious to see someone else at work and how she managed to use the light so well in her final images.

We were encouraged to snap away if we felt brave enough and a few of us did!

Seeing as I came to the workshop from a videographer background I couldn't help myself and capturing a few little moments on video too. So, it only feels right to share that little 'Behind The Scenes' video with you now, it may just inspire you to make the leap too...

I'd highly recommend Anna's family photography Roost Workshop for anyone who's looking to photograph families in a more natural and meaningful way. For those hoping to document real family life in a more honest and real way but also have a business that reflects that.

I put my hand up when I say that I felt totally overwhelmed when even thinking about offering family photography alongside my wedding videography but Anna helped make sense of it all. Gave me practical steps to take and I couldn't of got over that overwhelm without her.

I still have my notes to hand and check in every now and then. I even pester them all in The Roost Facebook group when I'm in need of some proper advice or wise words!

So thank you Anna 🙂

If you'd like to find out more you can do so HERE. I'd also encourage you to sign up to her emails, they're really fun and inspirational 🙂

Fancy your own 'Behind The Scenes' video then do get in touch, I'd love to chat about creating a video just for you too!