Begun as a Knitted Sock

By Nancymccarroll
...except it did not end as a pair of socks.  Somehow my right hand took a beating and is bruised, likely due to pure clumsiness.  And I did not want that sock to just hang around incomplete, knowing it would take a while for the bruise to diminish and the knitting to resume.  Also, rather than start those socks with a special sock yarn, I was being frugal and trying to use up some silk/wool yarn in a 50/50 blend, not smart for sock knitting.
So rather than waste the prior effort in knitting a rather striking sock designed by Cookie A. and found here on Knitty, it was turned into another accessory.
This is Cookie A. (above site) showing off her cute socks she designed.

After two rows of the lace repeat design, I bound off the sock start and added an I cord with a third color sock yarn to produce none other than an iTouch holder.

more about Cookie
Cookie is a knitting addict living in Northern California. She is particularly prone to sock yarn impulse purchasing and knitting, has a darling cat named after a mathematician, and is in search of the most whack haircut ever.