When I can't sleep I mull over what to paint or how to redecorate with zero budget. The other night I was lamenting the seating situation in my family room far into the wee hours. The furniture arrangement in my formal living room has been bugging me for a year now too. I desperately wanted the Brno chairs to be a part of that room but the room has a traffic flow problem due to the layout and relatively small size. The scale of the chairs just wasn't working but the fact that I paid a crapload of money for them made me insist.
Living room at my house
Living room with Brno chairs
We have a long, narrow family room with three walls because it is open to the kitchen. One wall has four windows. Another the fireplace and the third a staircase.
family room in 2011
This photo gives you a basic idea. The sofa is too long to put perpendicular to its present location. In the foreground you can see the edge of the shelf that houses my little one's toys and I wanted to leave that area free of furniture for play.She really doesn't play there so I did this...
and thought to myself, "Kerry, you idiot! Why didn't you do this a year ago?"
It feels so much better like this but this is just a trial period. My husband will probably hate it.
This looks so much better. Yes?
The coffee table is also temporary. It is nearly indestructible and I don't give a hoot about what happens to it. Here are a couple more shots from around the room.
It feels so much more balanced and still has that eclectic and collected (because it was) look. Now if I can convince the little girl that lives next door that the Brnos are not rocking chairs. *sigh*