Beetroot Daiquiri

By Alip @alisonpikeGD

Last weekend I was chatting to my freakishly healthy older brother (if you’re reading this I mean freakishly in the nicest possible way!) and he was telling me about his latest healthy thing of juicing. That morning he had drunk a juice with beetroot as one of the ingredients and that got me thinking about whether I could use beetroot in a cocktail (I can see you are drawing comparisons between my brother drinking habits and my own!!).  A little googling and it reveals I am not the first to think of beetroot cocktails so here is one recipe I found and have tried.

Beetroot Daiquiri

50ml Havana Club Añejo 3 Años
2 tsp white sugar
20ml beetroot juice
20ml fresh lime juice
1 cup of crushed ice

Put all the ingredients into a blender and whizz it up for about 30 seconds. Pour it into a glass and enjoy.

I actually really liked this cocktail and if you’re not a fan of sweet cocktails this may be worth a try. Although having said that when tasted by my other half his remark was ‘That’s disgusting, it’s like drinking soil!’ – clearly it’s for the gardeners amongst us!!