
By Ashleylister @ashleylister
Today I picked a bee up from a pavement. No bee should be on hot tarmac where careless people can step on it. I was running around with the bee in my hand, looking for something blossoming. Nothing like that to be found. In springtime! In the city! What was the bee doing downtown? Ok, I put the bee on a green leafy branch, hoping it would be able to rest and come to its senses soon and fly away, back home.
I've always loved bees. They are such diligent, beautiful little beasts. I can sit amongst flowers and watch bees for as long as they are around. My favorite meditation.
When I was a little girl, we had a Small Creatures graveyard at the end of my garden. My friends and I always buried bees, butterflies, beetles and other small beings there, paying them the last respects for being a wonderful part of this world and wishing them safe journey across the Rainbow bridge. I have to confess, I still have the urge to do the same thing now when I am a fully grown up person.
I was in a business center few years ago and admiring a canvas with a bee in the  center and words, bee happy, around it. The person who was a manager there was looking at me and smiling, as if she could sense how much I liked the canvas. I smiled back and said: “I really like it.” So, she took the picture off, gave it to me, saying: “Please have it. We are changing interior and all the color scheme soon anyway.”
I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. Since then the canvas is in my living room, reminding me of bees and happy feelings, the importance of them, both of them.

Tiggy and the Bee picture

When writing cards I love using phrases such as:
Bee happy,
Bee safe,
Bee lucky,
Bee healthy,
Bee whatever,
Bee yourself,
Bee mine,
Bee ….
Just add as you wish!!!
Bee Thanks for reading, Maija.  Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook