Beers London Present Gilded Chaos

By Invisiblemadevisible @imv_streetart

Beers London is proud to present Gilded Chaos, the gallery’s first solo exhibition with the London-based Benjamin Murphy. Murphy will spend two weeks prior to the exhibition, transforming the entire gallery space with his trademark aesthetic and techniques to create a totally immersive sensory experience. Murphy has created his most labor intensive and detailed body of work especially for Beers gallery. This includes a gallery-wide installation and two-dimensional, 'drawings' that push the boundaries of both scale and subject matter.
Murphy is known primarily for his graphic, time-consuming installations created entirely out of black electrical tape, resulting in a stark recognisable aesthetic. This is borrowed from German expressionism, which in turn creates a subject matter that takes inspiration from Romantic literature and the history of the vanitas in art.
The artist lives in London, where he tirelessly works both in and out of studio to plan and execute elaborate tape-based drawings. Murphy's images work on many plains of perspective and contain various contradictory elements that contain an on-going narrative or macabre. A decadent story-arc is hinted throughout, with the work referencing a range of sources mainly from poetry and classic literature, specifically creating a mystical aura around the work and allowing the spectator to create their own meaning surrounding the work.
Gilded Chaos opens at Beers London on the 14th of January at 6pm.
1 Baldwin Street, London, EC1V9NU - nearest tube Old Street.