
Posted on the 12 September 2018 by Mike Lindley @fruitbatwalton

Image may contain: drawing
Cord is the first track to be taken from Beerjacket's most ambitious musical project to date – an album and corresponding book Silver Cords. 
Accompanying the 12 songs on the album are a collection of 12 short
stories; intertwined with the music, intended for consumption alongside it. Of the project Peter Kelly says, 
“At some point in the writing of Silver Cords, I decided the record would live in a book and that each song would be
accompanied by a short story inspired 
by its lyrics.”

Image may contain: 2 people, nightThe tenderness of the music ebbs and flows, conveyed perfectly with lead single Cord. Refreshing in its
simplistic truth, the track is an elucidation of why Beerjacket has become the cult figure, despite his modesty,within Scottish music that he is.
The accompanying short story, Shoots of Life, focuses on that one connection
in your life that holds everything together. The cord that connects everything.
“I’ve always believed that as people, the threads that tie us together don't just connect us to each other, they
connect us to ourselves and define the ‘selves’ that we claim as ours. 

No automatic alt text available.The decisions we make are seldom made alone and we are seldom alone, even on our own.” – Excerpt from Shoots of Life
The combination of sound and print is something unique to Silver Cords. Having released five albums in the traditional manner, PeterKelly was keen to release something special. 
Instead he's produced something exceptional in my opinion,something constant that won't be cast adrift on a shelf in favour of a digital imprint. 

This pairing creates an ethereal tone which binds the stories with a dreamlike, magic realism quality, and certain recurring themes of isolation, now-ness,  association, loss and fear. Peter Kelly started writing the album in 2015 and its completion has taken 3 years, but it's well worth the wait, although the only thing missing for me is vinyl but that doesn't deter an all star 5 star award.. 
“Story by story the songs’  siblings entered the room. My imagination superimposing details on the real-life buildings that inspired settings and, the stories play out almost interminably now on three to five minute loops.”  Cord will be released digitally on 7th September 2018 via indie Scottish Fiction records.

The track is imbued with poignant Americana-esque Bonnie Prince Billie stylee vocal (no higher compliment can I pay) as Beerjacket draws the listener in with his subtle engaging tones.
Therefor Cord is as true a musical gem as I've drooled over after listening to recently and his back-catalogue is a must do to search for you and get the headphones on like I did. You will not be disappointed. Ican't wait to give it a spin soon on Brian's Radio KC Sunday Indie Show!
Just click the red link! How many hints do you need? Go!!!