BeeRaider: Keyboard with Weird Design Aims to Improve Typing Speed

Posted on the 25 February 2015 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

After almost a decade in the making, Irish based keyboard company BeeRaider plans to make a difference in the world of keyboards with its new keyboard that comes with a unique design that helps improve typing speed.

BeeRaider believes that its new Optimized Radial Keyboard design can help you double your typing speed than using an ordinary QWERTY keyboard. Despite the complicating look, the company claims that the layout of its keyboard design can be memorized withing just 20 minutes, helping anyone to become an expert typist within a few minutes.

From the old typewriter to modern age computers, the design of keyboard remained unchanged for over a hundred years. There’s a reason for that. And that reason is user experience design (UXD), the set of standards and rules designers follow when creating products for people. This the why Cereal still comes in cardboard boxes instead of bottles, cars have doors on the sides instead of on the roof, and smartphone have the same main UI across different platforms. You can try to make a difference like Microsoft did with its Windows Phone UI, but you know how that went.

Read Also: R2-D2 Has a New Hologram Message and it’s a Laser Keyboard

Who knows, maybe it’s time for a change of keyboards. Let’s see what the BeeRaider keyboard can do when it launches in Q2 2015. The keyboard will also be available as a virtual keyboard app for Android as well.

[ Via: Ozy / BeeRaider]
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera