Beer Review – Stillwater Extra Dry

By Boozedancing @boozedancing
Brew Review

Ok, I'll admit it. It was the graphic design of this can that instantly grabbed my attention while I was putting together a mixed six pack at Beer Heaven. The two shades of blue, that bright red-orange circle, the exquisite Japanese lettering, and the crisp, clean font used to spell Stillwater Extra Dry just screamed "Land of the Rising Sun"! Take all of these brilliant design choices, and add in the fact that this beer was brewed by Stillwater Artisanal ( a brewer that has yet to disappoint me), and you quickly realize that there was no way that I was passing up the opportunity to buy this beer. If ever there was a beer can that deserved its own episode of "Pretty Shiny Packaging", this one would be it!

Before we get to my review, here's what the good people at Stillwater Artisanal have to say about their Extra Dry:

Brewed with rice and designed to mimic the subtle and drinkable flavors of sake, this low alcohol saison is the softer side of Stillwater.

Let's find out if this beer lives up to its shiny pretty packaging...

  • Appearance: Golden yellow to pale orange color. Half inch head of off-white foam that dissipates quickly.
  • Aroma: Fresh orange zest, sweet honey, and a smattering of Saison funk (aka a little post workout sweat).
  • Taste: The carbonation lies somewhere between smooth/creamy and light/fizzy. Very light and refreshing with subtle honey and orange flavors. No bitterness at all. Very dry with a mostly crisp finish. A bit of lemon pithiness lingers in the aftertaste.
  • ABV: 4.2%

The Verdict

That first sip of Stillwater Extra Dry brought me right back to our summer vacation by the lake in Maine. I can almost feel the sun warming my skin (and the top of my bald head!) as I watch The Boys invent all kinds of wacky games while they play in the lake. I really enjoyed this beer and hope that it's available when the warmer months eventually return. In the meantime, perhaps I'll grab another can and have it alongside some sushi.