Beer Review – Sixpoint C.R.E.A.M.

By Boozedancing @boozedancing
Brew Review

The color of Sixpoint's C.R.E.A.M. is quite peculiar.
It has an odd orangey glow to it (not to be confused with Orange Glo).
Magda from There's Something About Mary comes to mind.
You remember Magda!
She was the little old lady that spent too much time at the tanning salon.

The nose on this beer is unusual as well,
But thankfully, not in a Magda kind of way.
Fresh ground coffee and cane sugar lead the way.
After that, it smells like a regular cream ale, i.e. malty with a hint of hops.

As has been the case with other coffee infused cream ales that I've tried,
While the coffee flavors are prominent in the nose,
They tend to play a supporting role on the palate...

Sixpoint's C.R.E.A.M starts off as a conventional cream ale
With a malty sweetness and very little bitterness.
It's not till you approach the finish that those coffee notes kick into gear.
Kick is too strong of a word.
The coffee flavors in C.R.E.A.M. are more of a nudge nudge wink wink.

It's in the aftertaste where the coffee notes really shine.
That's when you really experience those morning coffee
With a splash of cream and a teaspoon of sugar flavors.
It's subtle and highly effective.

Categories: Brew Review, Sixpoint

Tagged as: Beer, Beertography, Coffee, Craft Beer, Drinkwire, Glotography, Review, Reviews, Sixpoint, Sixpoint CREAM