Beer Review Poetry – Founders Rübaeus

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

It’s past 10 o’clock, and with the family asleep,

I’m done watching Gotham, so into the kitchen I creep.

I open the fridge, and what do I see?

A Founders Rübaeus is looking at me!

I’ve had this before as part of a flight.

I sampled it on draught, and it was a delight!

As good in a bottle? That’s what I need to know.

So I grab that cold beauty, and into the dining room I go.

When I’m done taking photos, I pick up the beer.

I lift it to the light, but don’t hold it too near.

The color is pale red and a good bit cloudy.

It has little to no head, so it looks almost dowdy.

While it may not look special, I am happy to report,

The nose and the taste remind me of a kick ass Raspberry Linzer Torte!

The raspberries are there from beginning to end.

Drink this when parched, and you’ll quickly be on the mend.

Not overly tart, nor overly sweet.

Rübaeus is deliciously balanced, and oh such a treat!