Beer Review – Golden Road Saison Citron

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Walking in to a Craft Beer store like Beer Heaven or The Foodery is like opening up a box of chocolates, because you never know what you'll find on the shelves. While there are plenty of delicious chocolate covered caramels and nut clusters to be had (i.e. your Stone, Green Flash, Founders, Maine Beer Company, Victory, etc.), every so often, you come across a beer from a brewery that you've never heard of. Much like the Whitman Sampler, you don't know if you're going to like a particular chocolate confection until you take that first taste, so while pulling together a mixed six pack, you take a chance and add a never before heard of bottle or can to your carrier.

During a recent trip to Beer Heaven, I stumbled upon the can of Saison Citron that you see in the above photo. The brewer of this beer is Golden Road. According to the words printed on the bottom of the can, Golden Road is "Made in LA". Like most people, I never thought of Los Angeles as being much of a Craft Beer town, but my opinion changed after my trip to the West Coast Office back in 2014. Craft Beer is booming in the City of Angels. Hell, they even have their own Beer Week! Since I can't recall ever seeing an LA brewed beer on the shelves out here, I decided to give this beer a try.

Here's what Golden Road Brewery has to say about their Saison Citron:

Fruity esters are complemented with mild lemon candy notes in this delicate saison bursting with champagne-like effervescence. Our Saison Citron takes this classic farmhouse style and gives it a kiss of California sweetness.

And here's what I thought of it...

  • Appearance: Golden yellow and mostly translucent with a thick and fluffy head of off-white foam that dissipates really slowly.
  • Aroma: The nose is pretty subtle with hints of lemon zest, clove, and coriander. Doesn't have the usual funkiness that I associate with a classic Saison.
  • Taste: Smooth and creamy mouthfeel with a light and fizzy carbonation. Not a very strong tasting beer. The clove and lemon is there but not in an over the top kind of way. Less dry than the usual Saison. This version leans more towards the crisp and clean end of the spectrum with a touch of pepperiness coming through in the aftertaste.
  • ABV: 5.8%

Golden Road's Saison Citron may not be the greatest Saison I've ever had (I doubt it'll even make my Top Ten), but it's still quite enjoyable. As I said in my tasting notes, this beer is less dry and much more refreshing than many of the other Saisons that I've had. Overall, I liked it and wouldn't mind sipping on one while laying by the pool.

Categories: Brew Review, Golden Road

Tagged as: Beer, Beertography, Craft Beer, Drinkwire, Farmhouse Ale, Golden Road Brewing, Golden Road Saison Citron, Review, Reviews, Saison