Beer Review – Bamburana Imperial Stout by Oskar Blues Brewery and Cigar City Brewing

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

On this week's episode of A Tasting at The Murder Table, we review a brand new collaborative brew from Oskar Blues Brewery of Longmont, Colorado and Cigar City Brewing of Tampa, Florida. The beer they've created is called Bamburana. Here's what the brewer's have to say about it:

Bamburana, an imperial stout brewed with figs and dates, is double barrel-aged - in both whiskey and brandy barrels - and aged once more in tanks with Amburana wood spirals. Bamburana is the first nationally distributed collaboration between the two breweries - a big, sticky, complex 12.2% ABV beer that will be released in 12oz cans in mid-January.Bamburana is the co-creation of two giant craft beer personalities - Oskar Blues Brewery's Head of Brewing Operations, Tim Matthews, and Cigar City Brewing's Brewmaster Wayne Wambles. Their goal was to craft a brew that would marry the flavors of double-barrel aged imperial stout and Amburana wood. Amburana wood is an indigenous South American wood that imparts unique warm and savory flavors and aroma.Bamburana unfolds on the palate with forward-facing roasted malt flavors that branch out against a dark fruit backdrop of figs and dates. Then, brandy and whiskey accents make themselves known with complex boozy-and-sweet flavors, complementing the warmth and spice of Amburana wood.

A 12.2% Double-Barrel Aged Imperial Stout brewed with figs and dates??? There's only one word to descibe that description: YOWZA! You just knew that as soon as we read their press release, we had to get our hands on some for a review on our YouTube Channel! And that's EXACTLY what we did.

Was this beer as rich and flavorful as they've made it sound?

Would we plop down our hard earned cash and buy more of this brew?

What would we pair with such a beverage?

For the answers to all of these questions, click the play button on the video below. And if you like what you saw and heard, please subscribe to our channel. Thanks in advance for your support!


Many thanks to the fine folks at Oskar Blues for sending us this very delicious sample!

Categories: Booze Dancing TV, Brew Review, Cigar City, Oskar Blues

Tagged as: A Tasting at the Murder Table, Bamburana Imperial Stout, Beer, Booze Dancing TV, Cigar City Brewing, Craft Beer, Drinkwire, Humor, Oskar Blues Brewing Company, Review, Reviews, Video, YouTube