Beer and Frack Fluid: Obama State of the Union Speech Drinking Game

Posted on the 13 February 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from Think Progress by Joe Romm

  1. Each time the President uses the phrase “climate change” or “global warming,” down one beer.
  2. Each extreme weather event the President links to climate change, down a Hurricane or a Damn-The-Weather Cocktail
  3. Every time Obama talks up domestic oil production, drink an espresso.
  4. If Obama mentions clean coal, drink a cup of coffee.
  5. Finally, the Gov. John Hickenlooper special: Every time Obama talks up domestic natural gas production, drink “a glass of fracking fluid produced by oilfield services giant Halliburton.”

And don’t worry about the fracking fluid, since the company asserts it is made entirely “of ingredients sourced from the food industry” — and who has more credibility than a firm once run by Dick Cheney or one that intentionally destroyed evidence” of its culpability in the Gulf Oil disaster? (As an aside, there is plenty of stuff “sourced from the food industry” that no one should drink.)