Bedroom Tour in Photos

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I think for the past 2 years I’ve been threatening to do a bedroom tour, well the time is finally here! I’ve just given it a little revamp in the way of colour, no actual decorating has taken place but Mamma does want me to change the wallpaper.

I think I’ll start off with showing you the wallpaper.

I personally thing the wallpaper is pretty snazzy, it’s 1930’s cinema arch print and I picked it up from Debenhams for £20. I only needed the one roll otherwise it probably would have been a no go. All 3 actual walls in my room are painted white so that it’s easy, I wanted white so that I could add in any color that I fancied because I constantly change my mind. The wallpaper is on the ‘wall’ behind my bed, it’s actually a piece of plywood I believe.

As you can see my color of choice is yellow, which I think goes very nicely with the gray. I’ve chosen yellow because I think it just instantly brightens up your day and makes you feel a little happier. The bedding and cushions are all from George at ASDA, Love-A-Lot I’ve had for far too many years!

Next up we have my dressing table, which is a Hemnes chest of drawers from Ikea and because I don’t have the space for a dressing table I just have to use the top of it. As you can see I have a lot of things to clutter it up, and it never stays tidy for long.

I have a gorgeous antique mirror which I picked up last summer on a trip to Salts MIll and at £18 I couldn’t leave it behind, I love it to pieces and I think it brings a touch of character to my room.

I couldn’t resist sharing these photographs which are on the side of my Helmer which I use to store my makeup. The strip of 4 has photos of me and my bestie from last years Plus North in the photo booth which was great fun! The little photos are of me getting my first passport and I couldn’t sit still which meant each picture came out completely different.

You can now see where the blogging is supposed to occur, Dave the desk is from Ikea but he isn’t much use to me. I find that Dave is just so small and I can’t possibly work at him, but if I didn’t have him I’d have no where to keep my laptop safe.

I have a second chest of drawers which is used for storage, the top two you can see contain my nail varnishes.

Ted here was a gift from my Grandad on my first birthday and being very imaginative he was named Ted. He sits guarding my books, these are the books which are sort of next on my to be read pile but they often get forgotten about and I dive into the depths of my book cupboard instead.

My storage chest of drawers houses my dvd collection and so I just had to share with you some of my dvds. Above is the beginnings of my Disney collection, and below shows some of my classic girly movies along with my Supernatural collection.

I hope you’ve enjoyed getting a glimpse into my bedroom, you can also find a video tour over on my youtube channel here. If you want to see my makeup storage, or inside my book cupboard then let me know!

Tink x