Bedekar Tea Stall popularly referred to as Bedekar Misal has been a part of Pune’s heritage for more than six decades. It was established in 1948 by Dattatrey Bedekar, it is now managed by a duo of third generation Bedekars. Situated at Narayan Peth, all it has is a small room with tables on either sides, the billing counter at the end, a board announcing the menu items on top and kitchen at the back.
At Bedekar Tea stall, the misal is unusually served with slices of bread, very convenient to dip the fresh, soft bread into the gravy that is served separately in a bowl (and replenished as one slurps it out). The misal is somewhat different from its Kolhapuri cousins in other ways too. For one it is not as fiery, though fiery enough for me. There is a pleasantly sweet aftertaste to it emerging out of the extreme spiciness.
I could go poetic about its effect on the ones consuming this divine misal. Very much like falling in love, a bite into it and I feel a flush of excitement, increased heartbeat and dilation of the pupils. What follows is a wave of ecstasy which stays with me for hours later, making me feel good to be alive. A must try when in Pune.
Ratings (Out of 5)
Food: 4.5 | Ambience: 3.0 | Service: 4.0 | Overall: 4.0
Meal for two: Rs. 150| Alcohol: No | Credit Card: No | Timings: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Address: 418, Munjabacha Bol, Narayan Peth, Pune, Maharashtra, Munjabacha Bol, Narayan Peth, Pune, Maharashtra | Tel: 020 2445 1270