Become More Educated Without Spending Money!

By Actuallystrange @ActuallyStrange

Would you like to become more educated without throwing money at a university or college? See below for ways to become more educated without actually having to pay for an education:

1. Read

Reading is the basis of education. Reading intelligent books, magazines and newspapers has been proven to increases one’s vocabulary and critical thinking skills. There are books and magazines on absolutely everything so reading is a great way to become more knowledgeable on any subject. Plus, you can borrow for free from your public library!

2. Listen to others.

If you’ve read a few of my posts then you know how I feel about comments. I LOVE THEM. I already know what I think so I love finding out what other people think. Listen to people! Even if one doesn’t agree with someone, hearing what another thinks is always an enlightening experience!

4. Listen to free iTunes U lectures.

Many universities throughout North America and Europe have partnered with iTunes in order to bring free university lectures to the masses. There are lectures on a lot of different subjects given by extremely knowledgable lecturers. It’s the knowledge without the tuition free!

5. Listen to podcasts.

There are many well-done podcasts, especially those done by media corporations such as the BBC. BBC Radio 3 and BBC Radio 4 are awesome. There are also many other podcasts covering every topic under the sun!

6. Take advantage of free course materials online.

Much like the free university lectures on iTunes, actual course material from different universities can be found online. The best one is probably MIT’s Open Courseware. It’s the course without the lectures and grades!

If you happen to miss the lectures see number 4 and if you miss being graded go to the Absolute Write Water Cooler. Tons of people there want to take time off from their day to critique people’s writing; I’m not sure why…

7. Understand what may be rotting your brain and stay away from it.

I’ve learned that becoming more educated is an intensive process. One has to surround one’s self with material that will increase, not decrease, one’s intelligence.