Become a Top Wedding Planner – 4 Tips For Creating Your “About Me” Page

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

As a new wedding planner, are you  struggling with writing your “About Me” page? The new planners I speak to have had trouble knowing exactly what to say about themselves. Some have “About Me” pages that say almost nothing, mostly giving a description of their company. Others tell too much, including  minor details of every step they took on their way to starting their wedding planning business, in hopes of impressing potential clients.

What will really impress brides on your “About Me” page is information about who you are, what you know, and what you can do that can help them have the weddings they want.

 Here are 4 tips for creating an effective “About Me” page:

1) Include your photograph

I see  many websites that don’t have a photograph of the wedding planner. Don’t be shy! Remember the brides will be working directly with you, and they will want to see what you look like. You don’t have to look like a celebrity, just look professional, approachable, and well-groomed. And make sure you are smiling in your photo.

2) Make it personal

The “About Me” page should be about you, don’t just give information about the company. And don’t forget to include your name! I’ve seen sites that give the company name but not the name of the wedding planner. A bride won’t call you if she doesn’t know your name.

3) Provide information about your relevant education and experience

Brides will want to know what your qualifications are as it relates to their needs. Limit your information to education you have completed and jobs you have held that benefit them. For example, a wedding planner certification, a degree in hospitality, a job as a bridal consultant at a bridal salon, or experience working with a caterer or florist.

4) Include a call to action

Even though you have a “Contact” page with full contact information, ask the reader to contact you and provide your phone number and email address on this page. You want to make it easy for them to know how to reach you right after they read all about you.