"Because Gay"

Posted on the 07 April 2015 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

No matter the RFRA question, the answer is clear:

Why is all of this happening? I think I know why, but it will be most politically incorrect to say so out loud.

I think it’s because Gay is the cause du jour of our time. I’ll go even a step further — Gay is the new (mandatory) ideology and idol of our time. You can be hateful, vile, vulgar, make threats, be vindictive, be dishonest, and seek to ruin anyone – as long as you’re Gay (or at least Gay-supporting).

It’s especially okay to do these things if the target of your outrage is a Christian, or just a conservative in general.

For the sake of Gay, journalists will lie and fabricate stories. For Gay, there is no bothering with facts. To hell with the truth. If the person or business or story doesn’t support the agenda and the propaganda, then it will be altered until it hits all the right buttons and generates the needed gasp of aghast from the ignorant and willing-to-be-deceived masses.

For the sake of Gay, and now for the sake of same-sex “marriage”, politicians will become amnesiacs andforget everything they ever said years ago about the sanctity of marriage and the family. They will denounce anyone who holds the very belief they themselves swore they held not long ago.

They will condemn every attempt to preserve the natural family unit of father, mother, and child, as blatant discrimination with purely hateful intent.

They will deliberately misrepresent legislation, twist the intent of others in government, and purposely brand everyone who resists this social re-engineering as out-of-touch, regressive, wanna-be slave owners looking for poor Gay folks to trample down.

Dan Savage specializes in vulgarity, profanity, threats, insults, intimidation, and hate, and he seems quite proud of it. And this, apparently, is what Disney feels is appropriate for our families today. This is the entertainment we need. Why?

Because Gay.

We have seen how, with lightning speed, the media and the pop culture will pounce on and smack down anyone who speaks what they consider an unflattering or unsupportive word about a Gay person or Gay rights. This person is not defending an ancient truth about marriage, the family, and the human person — No! — he or she is a backwards bigot. End of story.

It is absolutely right that violent remarks, threats and insults are condemned. Nobody should be treated that way. There’s no reason for it, no place for it, and no excuse for it.

So why are Savage’s actions and words excused and tolerated, and now even rewarded? Why? Is it because he’s Gay and he supposedly speaks for the Gay community? Is it because his targets are conservatives, or Christians? It’s pretty hard not to come to that conclusion.

There is no longer any tolerance for anyone who is not in full accord with the Gay agenda. Such a citizen will not be allowed to own a business, hold an office, speak in public, teach at a school, give a sermon, or do much of anything outside their own home, and if they try, they will be swiftly and severely punished.

So, what I’ve really learned this past week is this: We are, in short order, becoming a nation that actually despises freedom. We have come to loathe the truth, and to crave distorted propaganda instead. We have lost the ability, or have forgotten how, to think at all. We can only react with emotion, and rarely at all employ reason and mature judgment.

In our zeal to abolish God and His law, we made government our god and demanded totalitarianism. We no longer allow any dissent from or non-participation in the government-sanctioned idol.

Gay must rule the day now, to the exclusion of everything and everyone else. Gay must be obeyed and worshiped. It has been decided.

Jennifer Hartline has more at the link.

What Indiana has taught us is clear.

Diversity isn't really the goal.  Tolerance isn't really what they're after.  Bigotry isn't exactly anathema.


Because Gay.


Because Gay.

That's all you'll need to know.

Carry on.