Because Friday!

Posted on the 12 December 2014 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

Guest posted by tim, The Godless Heathen

Looking forward to a slow, quiet weekend and recharging the batteries, so to speak, this weekend with no hunting, traveling or other shenanigans which I haven’t had a in a while. Only a handful of things to get done…besides naps to take, beers to drink and football to watch. Remember kids, The Heathen highly recommends occasionally tuning out and spending some quality time doing little or close to nothing once in a while. Does a body and mind good. Anyways I digress, sermon over…

The 115th meeting between Army and Navy football teams is tomorrow. Personally, as an ole Jarhead I’ll be rooting for Navy and who will be sporting the most badassery uniforms pictured below.

 H/T Mad World News, where you'll find more pics.

And of course, not to leave out what Army will be looking like -


I kid, I kid.

Pic found at The Shirk Report, where you should heading to every Friday for some laughs.