Beauty | The Revlon Mascara Revolution

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
I find that when it comes to beauty, mascara is a really personal product. You often find that what works on you may not on someone else and there are just so many to try…
Revlon’s new mascara revolution (£9.99 each) has made shopping for something to make your lashes flutter that little bit easier. Mascara’s can often be a bit, well, misleading; when something says it’ll make your lashes voluminous just adds length, or something said to separate gives a curl instead. Revlon have put their head up high and said no more – these products are going to do exactly what they say on the tin. 
By streamlining their mascara collection to these 5 coloured lid beauties, mascara shopping becomes easy again. You know what you want, you find the mascara that says it’ll do that and boom. Happy days, all around! Each individual mascara is formulated separately to give us beauty enthusiasts exactly the lashes that we are looking for, each with a unique comb to suit the desired look.
RED // Ultimate All-in-One // For the type of beauty lover who can’t just settle for one thing. This teeny tiny mini brush is designed so that it maximises the impact of formula onto the lashes. The oval shape helps to coat each and every single little eyelash including those pesky corner strands. 
PINK // Ultra Volume // If you are after extreme volume to the maximum, then this pink lidded chap is for you. With a clump free formula and wand to achieve maximum potential, the triple grooved brush ensures every single part of the lash is doused in formula without getting a clumpy look. 
GREEN // Super Length // Some of us like to have lashes that tickle our eyebrows and feel endlessly fluttery – that’s how I like mine. With a stretch brush that can reach both lengthily lashes and the stubbiest of them all, the wand coats a high-shine formula along with fibres to create dramatic length.
BLUE // Volume + Length Magnified // For a double dangerous attack with lashes that nobody can resist, this mascara is set to give you that huge doe eyed look. This brush is slightly out of the ordinary with its square shape instead of a stereotypical round/oval brush, yet this really gets that formula in at the nitty gritty of the lash.
PURPLE // Dramatic Definition // Perhaps a real exaggerated look is for you, shrugging off a natural approach you want something that is really going to wow. This wand is set to separate and define each lash yet coat them so they are extra black and extra wow.
I am absolutely stuck for words – maybe I’ll try one a week and give you a little explanation of my thoughts by the end of the experience. I am dumbfound of which one to give a whirl first! Let me know in the comments below what kind of look you try to achieve with your mascara and which color you resonate with the most? I would love to know! 
Megan. xoFacebook  - Twitter - Instagram - Bloglovin - YoutubeCheck out my March advertiser - Joma Designer Vintage!*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*