Beauty: The “No-Makeup Makeup Bag”

By Ninegrandstudent

Yep, you read that right. A post on how to back a makeup bag for a no-makeup look. I promise I haven’t gone mad! Well, madder than I already am at least…

I treated my recent trip to Devon as a bit of a detox. I significantly cut down on screen time – no laptop was taken, and I only used my phone/tablet for an hour each morning and evening. I didn’t have my camera permanently attached to me. And, perhaps most importantly, I hardly wore any makeup.

Some makeup was worn, and I make no apologies for this. I’m not one of those people who can look good without anything at all, and quite frankly I don’t feel overly comfortable in going out and about like it. I’ll nip to the shops completely bare-faced, sure, but a whole day outside of the house? I can guarantee you I don’t be bare-faced for that (so no need to panic!). But I didn’t wear a lot, so here’s what I stuck to…

A glow-boosting moisturizer with SPF20. I’ve waxed lyrical about this moisturiser from Garnier, but I do love it! Inexpensive, light-weight and it doesn’t break me out. Unfortunately we didn’t see a huge amount of sunshine during our little break, but I always like to make sure I’m wearing a little protection.

The only other makeup I wore was concealer and mascara. My favorite concealer is currently 17 Stay Time as it’s the only one pale enough to blend into my skintone, however I’d heard good things about a relatively new Barry M release so picked it up the day before. I definitely think it’s better under the eyes, but I did manage to fail in picking up the correct shade! I’m not fussy where mascara is concerned and usually use a free one I’ve obtained or a cheapy one from Natural Collection. Currently on the go is Max Factor’s False Lash effect, but I also have a mini tube of a No. 7 one to try, as well as a full sized Maybelline offering.

Oh, and lipstick doesn’t count as makeup right?! I did however only stick to MAC Patisserie in an attempt to use it a little more. It’s very sheer and doesn’t do anything on my lips, so I’m not too impressed!

And that’s it! Also in my (perhaps oversized) wash bag was facial soap, a little Pixi Glow Tonic, some eye makeup remover (I left mine in London so picked up some lotion in Waitrose – and it stung my eyes like a bitch!), face cloth and deodorant.

It felt so good to be bare faced a little more, and actually I ended up not wearing foundation for nearly two weeks afterwards. My skin definitely thanked me for it!

Do you try and go “makeup free” at all? What are your must-wear items?