Beauty Review: Label.m Therapy Age-Defying Recovery Mask

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
When you hear of hair horror stories, I can confidently say that they have probably happened to me.  You name it and somewhere along the way it's pain has been inflicted on me.  The most recent was a year ago the day before my sisters wedding. If you have been reading my blog for awhile you may have already read about this but I am sharing again...  I decided as I was her bridesmaid I needed to look my best so treated myself to a cut and color.  The hair dresser (who I'd been going to for a year) worked on my hair has I absorbed myself in the latest issue of Vogue, and sipped on my cappuccino. 
When they blow dried my hair the reality set in, my hair was so blonde it looked ridiculous... Actually ridiculous. After having a paddy they tried to tone it down and failed, all I could think of was people seeing me at my sisters wedding... What would they think? 
                                  A very long story short, after trying to track down any hairdressers to come and fix my locks, I got recommended a lovely lady called Emma (who has since been my hairdresser) and she managed to salvidge my broken hair.  My hair was in agony...three hair colours in a day?! Not good my hair was really damaged.  Luckily for me I'd not long been on holiday before so I was quite sunkissed, meaning my hair didn't look as bad and plus it was all pinned up.  You possibly will be thinking, her hair looks fine? But it really didn't.                  After the wedding I was on a serious hair mending session, regular trims, minimal colouring and general maintenance.  I've picked up some great habits now with my hair and now regularly condition my hair.                                                    I often now put hair conditioner on my hair overnight, that way when I wash it off in the morning my hair feels amazing.  One of the hair conditioning treatments I do use is Toni & Guys label.m Therapy Age-Defying Recovery Mask.                     I always like to try a product for a good few weeks or months to really get the benefits. Some hair conditioners can sometimes make your hair matted, greasy or can do absolutely nothing to your hair. "Restore, replenish and rejuvenate hair. Designed to quickly transform weak, dull, aged hair into strong, radiant and youthful looking hair."  First thing is the consistency of product and smell, both of which are perfect. The conditioner is quite light in texture, which makes it easy to apply and means it doesn't feel heavy.  "Eight of the most technologically advanced anti-ageing ingredients and is designed to reverse the visible signs of aging."
 I have found that my hair feels far more stronger than it was before, it looks radiant and after using it for only a few months I can certainly see and feel the benefits. I will certainly be purchasing the label.m Recovery Age-Defying Recovery Mask, if it has helped my damaged hair get on the road to recovery, if I continue to use it my hair may finally get back to normal.                    Have you tried this? Do you use a hair conditioner you can't live without?
                                                                      Annie                                                                        xoxo