Beauty Resolutions

By Aiapaperdoll @aiapaperdoll
Posted: December 31, 2011 | Author: Aisha | Filed under: Beauty | Tags: Beauty, Fashion, Resolutions |1 Comment »

The list below may seem a little vain at times; but looking and feeling your best always leads to a better day, month and year.  That is what I’m shooting for in 2012; this past year has been good but next year will be GREAT.

1. Drinking more water is my number one beauty resolution for a much healtier body.

2. Getting more beauty rest, at least 6-8 hours, sounds a bit cliche’ but rest will always make me feel and look better.

3. Exfoliate my skin and body at least once a week.

4. Keep my skin and lips moisturize at all times.

5. Get regular trims, do weekly deep-conditioning treatments, and try to give my hair a break from my flat iron and blow dryer (which will prove to be hard).

6. Sleep in a satin pillowcase to protect my hair or wrap my hair at night.

7. Love my hair is all it’s glory.

8. Try not to be lazy and wear some type of make up to work.

9.  Find the perfect red lipstick.

10. Try out new beauty trends at least once a month and see what works best for me.

11. Always wash off the make up (that I will start wearing a little more) every night before bed.

12. Try to meet my hands and feet Prim & Proper at all times; even if it’s just a buff manicure.

13. Never over pluck or over grow my eyebrows.

14. Attempt a weekly Yoga routine

15. Smile

16. Take a Multi-Vitamin everyday.