Beauty: Holiday Makeup

By Ninegrandstudent

Being in a long-distance relationship means I have packing down to a fine art. I can (and do!) pack in a rush, using one small suitcase for everything, with just uni work crammed into a satchel. I do admit that in the past few months I’ve become lazy with this packing, and now have a drawer at my boyfriends full of essential bits and pieces – but that’s another post!  Having booked a short break in Edinburgh after my exams finished, I knew that I didn’t want to take too much with me beauty wise as clothes would take up a lot of room – packing for Scotland is so difficult as you have to prepare for all weathers. As it turned out, it was lovely to be part of the heatwave last week, though slightly annoying that the jumpers/jeans/coat I packed never left the case!

So, my makeup bag was pretty restricted, but I reckon I did pretty well – I used everything I took with me, and didn’t really find myself lacking anything. Apart from aftersun for the horrific sunburn we both received…

One of the best things I’ve bought has to be this bag of miniature bottles from Wilkinson’s. By far the cheapest I have found, and really good quality too. The only thing I was slightly disappointed was all three bottles have the same type of dispenser, which wasn’t the best for liquids such as toner. But still, excellent value! I can’t find the link online, but there’s loads still available in my local store at a reduced price of £1.

For hair products (I made my boyfriend pack a suitable shower gel for the both of us – he bought the tooth paste too!) I decanted my favorite shampoo/conditioner duo into the smaller bottles. ASDA’s Jojoba range is something I have used for many years, and at 80p for big bottles its by far the best cheap haircare I’ve come across. The shampoo is slightly too drying (I prefer something without sulphates…but generally only just after my student loan has been paid!) so I tend to mix it into some conditioner for washing, and then condition as normal. Styling wise I filled one of the little tubs in the set with some Herbal Essences Tousle Me Softly Cream – something which I’ve mixed views about. Sometimes I love it, sometimes its far too sticky. But you only need a tiny amount, and this tub has been on the go for over a year so its worth trying!

Skincare wise, I obviously took a cloth and my beloved Dr Organics Pomegranate Soap – I never go anywhere without it! I used more mini bottles and took some Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water (highly recommend this for removing eye/lip makeup, though I don’t use it on the whole of my face) and Pixi Glow Tonic (love this stuff!). Since this post I’ve simplified my moisturisers, so took Garnier’s Ultra-Hydrating Cream in a little post to use as a night cream, and their Illuminating Light Lotion for use during the day. I can’t recommend these products enough, the lotion is the best facial SPF I’ve used, and the cream is so moisturising. Just for a head’s up – they are generally cheapest in Wilkinsons! I’ve also been using Nuxe Reve de Miel every night – its the perfect lip balm, my lips have never looks so good!

Now onto the exciting bit – makeup! I’ve grabbed the Everyday Makeup Essentials that I’ve already talked about, and then added in a few little extras. Bourjois Java Rice Powder to add even more of a glow – this was great dusted over sunburn as it really calmed the glare of red! One of MUA’s neutral palettes (this is one that lives at my boyfriends!) to add definition to my eyes for romantic meals – I can’t say I’m in love with the quality of these palettes, given the £4 price tag its fine for holidays but realistically it’s going to be nowhere near as good as higher ends, and it does irritate my eyes a little! I bought an eyeshadow brush for 50p from Wilkinson’s to take with my as I find my beloved Bodyshop versions don’t travel so well (I didn’t want to take my whole brush roll with me!) and for the price it did a great job.

Onto lips (my favorite part!) and I took 4 bits with me – two Revlon Matte Balms in Sultry and Standout, and two MUA Power Pout’s in Rendezvous and Broken Hearted. Both of these products are so, so lovely. The Matte Balms are going to get some serious wear when I start work as they look so professional (being matte) but also last forever. I love the glossy finish of the MUA offerings and they leave a lasting stain too. Rendezvous is a seriously underused color – admittedly it looks disgusting but ends up being a lovely pink/coral toned neutral on the lips. Its what I reach for when I’m not quite sure what to wear, and I’m tempted to buy one for every handbag as it does go with every outfit!

And that’s it! What makeup do you take on holiday?