Beauty Game Changers.

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd

The beauty industry is advancing rapidly and there are now a whole host of products that go beyond what we know and love and approach beauty in a whole new way. I've been trying out a couple of weird and wacky products recently that are slightly out of the ordinary and so today I thought I'd give you a run through on my thoughts about them all.

Lilash - Perhaps the most exciting of the beauty bits that I've been trying out, Lilash and LiBrow. My eyelashes and I have never got on particularly well. An average length, but straight as an elephant's they would not hold a curl at all and didn't respond well to mascara. My brows, on the other hand, have always been okay, but a lot lighter than I personally would like considering the color of my hair so when I was offered the chance to try out this duo I leapt at the opportunity.
After consistent use for 12 weeks, the results are in, and boy did they deliver! I was a little sceptical to begin with, considering the lack of success that I have had with other serums in the past, but the amount of success stories on their website led me to believe that they really did have something to back them up. Plus, the 90 day Money Back Guarantee pretty much ensures that you are covered.
Unfortunately, my memory card corrupted so I can't show you the before pictures, but here are my lashes and brows afterwards in their full glory and not a scrap of makeup on in the photo at all (you're getting eye-bags and all, you lucky things). The amount of compliments that I get on them now is INSANE, and my brows are dark enough now that I feel much happier not filling them in - perfect for summer when lighter makeup is much wanted. I'm constantly asked what I did to get them that long, or even if I'm wearing false ones, the difference is that incredible.
I'm so happy with the product and will definitely be getting more in the future to maintain the current length if they start needing it. I can't recommend these two enough though, and if you have the money to splash out, would 100% recommend them!
White Lipstick - When Kiss Cosmetics got in touch asking me to test their newest beauty laugh, I jumped at the chance. Little did I know that this 'top secret launch' would be a white lipstick. With slight horror, I set to work trialling this anyway, and here's what I have to report: 
Colour Switch is an opaque white lipstick that you can layer under existing ones to change up the color and make them lighter. Sounds a bit gimmicky, huh? Well, it is and it isn't. If, like me, you've amassed a small collection of lipsticks that you are too afraid to wear because they are too dark, this is a really nice way of lightening them up and not wasting a purchase. However, the slight sheen to the product messed up the finish of some of my lipsticks and a couple of colours had a tendency to go patchy when layered. 
If your looking for a new and interesting product to try, this could be the one for you, but for me, I'll stick to just trying to buy wearable colours in the future. 

SkinnyMint - Detox teas are becoming very popular in the blogging world, and after being sent a trial of SkinnyMint, I thought I would hop on the bandwagon. If you haven't heard of them, they are a two-step natural tea program that is supposed to help boost energy and detoxify when taken together. So far, I've only had a couple of them so can't really comment on the whole process but they seem to taste perfectly nice (pineapples, strawberry and grapefruit in the morning and ginger and lemongrass at night) although I haven't particularly noticed any other side effects coming from them. 
I'll be sure to update you more on my progress with them, but for now, not much to report. 
Smile Brilliant - I've posted about the whole process of using Smile Brilliant Teeth Whiteners before. In a nutshell, you make your mold using putty that they send you, send it back and receive and plastic tray that will be perfectly fitted to your mouth. This makes them far superior to other whitening methods, with greater ease of use, and a better whitening effect too because they're perfectly tailored to you. 
You can wear the whitening gel-filled trays anywhere from 20 minutes to 3 hours - it's not the most comfortable experience (think drooling etc) so I tend to wear them for at most an hour. They also tend to give me a little sensitivity but are perfect for a one off when I feel my teeth need a little sprucing up.
So that's it for my little round up of interesting things in the blogging world at the moment, what have you tried that's slightly out of the ordinary?