BEAUTY BUZZ- Brazilian Wax Talk with SHOBHA

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
Beauty comes with a prize, actually a lot of pain when it comes to hair removal. Gone are the days when hair removal was a taboo, specially vaginal hair removal. Women are now more vocal about their vaginal hair-removal needs and it has become more of a necessity than a beauty-luxury. It is so amazing how far we have come along in the field of body hair removal. Women now not only target the face but keeping their bodies hair-free, inside out, has become of utmost importance to them.
Image source
I had an awe-inspiring opportunity to meet a NYC based woman entrepreneur Shobha, who recently opened her sixth hair removal salon in my neighborhood. We were treated to a choice of either a brazilian wax or an eyebrows wax, and I chose the former. I am really thankful to Shobha and her amazing staff for making this post possible. Without their help and input this post wouldn't have been possible. So today I am going to aquaint you with some inside scoop about the much hush-hushed topic : brazilian wax (BW ). The do's and dont's for before and after a BW will follow. But first let's learn a little about the mastermind behind this.
 A LITTLE ABOUT SHOBHA (in the center )  : US born, partly raised in India, Shobha spent her childhood years in India. Growing up she would get her eyebrows threaded, which was predominantly the only way to remove facial hair back then. After returning to US, she had a hard time pursuing the threading ritual, as there weren't many threading specialists in her area. So with the strong motivation of helping others with similar circumstances, she started her journey as a threading specialists. Gradually from there, her fondness for hair-removal became intense and hence SHOBHA was born. You could read more about Shobha and her SHOBHA here.
The customized welcome treat. 
Shobha's in-house product line.
The threading area. 
My friend and Jennifer Pesce ( Brand Director at Shobha  ) 
This is where all the magic happens. 

Now for the Q&A session with Shobha and her staff :
Me- So what exactly is Brazilian Wax??? Staff- Brazilian is a more elaborate cleaning process which involves the crack and the lips ( please pardon my verbosity ) cleaning. 
Me: How is Brazilian different from Bikini ?
Staff- Bikini wax is merely cleaning the bikini line ( inner thighs ). It is less painful as opposed to brazilian. For brazilian we use the sugaring method and for bikini regular waxing is done.
You could read more about sugaring and waxing here.
Me- What are the Do' s and Don'ts for before and after a brazilian ?
Shobha-  Do's:
  • be relaxed and patient
  • be clean and dry and menstruation free 
  • be hairy- the hair should at least 1/4 inch in length for an effective brazilian
  • be comfortable - this will facilitate the technician 
  • use hydrocortisone cream if itching or rash occurs.
  • exfoliate gently to avoid ingrown hair 

      Don'ts :
  • don't use harsh chemicals or soap post brazilian 
  • don't take steam/sauna or hot showers
  • don't expose to too much sun

Me- What sets you apart from other beauty salons? Shobha- We are an exclusively hair-removal salon, that's our expertise. We take utmost care in bringing the most up-to-date hair-removal technology including laser. Hygiene, happiness and customer satisfaction is our number one priority. 
You could follow along Shobha's journey here....
Have a great day loves....