Beauty Blunders to Avoid Before Your Wedding Day

By Weddingblog2011

Beauty regimens gone wrong can destroy your wedding day look. Avoid these common beauty blunders to ensure that you look your best on your big day. 

There are certain beauty blunders to avoid before your wedding day. These beauty blunders have caused countless hair and skin problems for brides on their wedding day. And while there is nothing that can give you immunity from a beauty blunder, our list of beauty blunders to avoid before your wedding day will give you a pretty comprehensive start.

Be Mindful of Makeup

If you are like many brides, you’re probably planning on having your makeup done by a professional, or at the very least, buying new makeup. But if you use a brand or type of makeup that you’ve never used before, you run the risk of experiencing an allergic reaction. Minor irritations can include red, splotchy, dry, or blemished skin. Swelling of the face and eyes are the more extreme possibilities. The possibility of both minor and major reactions makes this one of the biggest beauty blunders to avoid before your wedding day.

Over-Processing Your Hair

Perms, dyes, and other chemicals can wreak complete havoc on your hair! Frizzy hair, unmanageable hair, and even brittle or stringy hair can occur from over-processing your locks, making hair processing methods another one of the important beauty blunders to avoid before your wedding day. If you want gorgeous curls on your big day, go for heated rollers. If you want to relax your hair, have a professional that you can trust apply the relaxer. It might even pay off to visit the beautician at least four weeks before your big day so that your hair has time to recover a little.

Over-Scheduling Yourself

Over-scheduling yourself may not sound like a beauty blunder, but when you take into account that an overbooked schedule often means eating on the go (aka unhealthy eating) and reduced hours of sleep, you can easily see how over-scheduling yourself can become a toxic beauty regimen. Bags under your eyes, puffy eyes, dull skin, sunken eyes, and more can all be experienced by falling into this beauty blunder trap. Be sure to avoid this big beauty blunder before your wedding day!