Beauty | Benefit's Hoola Bronzer

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie

I've always been the type of person who feels a little bit better about myself when I have a tanner complexion. Isn't that weird? How something so simple as the pigmentation of our skin can instantly boost our mood? It sounds odd, but it's true - when I can't achieve this naturally I love to bronze up my skin as much as I can through the help of make-up (and a bit of self-tanner now and then). Benefit recently hooked me up with their Hoola Bronzer* to make me feel like I'd seen a bit more of the sun...

Benefit really do know how to make someone feel special, my cute little package is super special as it has my name on the box and brush - back away big sister, this one is mine! Upon first impression I thought that the bronzer looked a tad on the orange side of things which did worry me a bit. I picked up some of the product on my Zoeva 127 Luxe Sheer Cheek Brush and swiped it along my cheeks and across my temples like I usually do with my bronzer. I was shocked at just how pigmented the product was, very bold indeed and almost a bit muddy and orange looking. I quickly picked up my blending brush to try make the bronzer look a bit more wearable on the skin. Once blended, the product did look a lot more natural and it managed to give a sun kissed glow to my complexion.After a bit of orange-tastic looking at first, the problem was sorted after a bit of work and I really liked the finished look - all I need to remember is to take the tiniest amount. I'd love to know in the comments below if a bronzer has ever looked a bit orange on you and what your favorite bronzer is! Thanks for reading!

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