We are often met on television and in films by many different stereotypes in regards to the beauty world. According to the media, Scousers are known for walking about their every day life with rollers in their hair, the Scottish embrace their natural skin and freckles whilst the Essex girls strive for tanned skin and the whitest teeth. The recent Beauty Map created by Beauty Bay tells us many things and surprisingly, they somewhat go against those media stereotypes.
Starting the furthest up North we can go, the lovely ladies of Scotland in fact wear the most foundation out of any area in the UK. Their ways of going au natural has now descended down to the West Midlands. Maybe the cold, harsh weather that we have suffered has taken a toll on their skin so they feel the need to cover it up. The North East have taken the trophy of the most tanned region from the Essex predecessors, lapping up any tanning opportunity they can get regardless of time of the year. Being a North Eastern gal myself – I can totally vouch for this as I walk down the high street of my town.
A region that has kept in with the localised stereotypes is the infamous ‘Scouse Brow’ of Liverpool. The area seems to empty their pockets at the smallest inkling of a new brow product as the study shows they spend most of their money on them. Brows on fleek Liverpool, brows-on-fleek. Despite me thinking that lipstick was kind of a big thing everywhere, the people of the South West region have taken that crown. Somerset and the surrounding areas spend 4% more than the national average when it comes to dousing their lips in color. To finish it off, London – you guys spend the most. It must be that new Charlotte Tilbury store, mustn’t it?
It is so interesting to see it broken down and to visually see who is spending what on which products in different areas. I guess the media aren’t right all the time with their stereotypes now, are they? Let me know in the comments below what products you think you spend the mot money on and if there are any trends in your area! Teessider’s seem to be loving that under-eye highlight these days… Megan. xoFacebook - Twitter - Instagram - Bloglovin - YoutubeCheck out my February advertiser - Saint Boutique!
- In Collaboration With Beauty Bay -*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*