Beautiful Wedding Product Photography Examples — Pinterest

By Claire

Morn­ing! I have to con­fess, this is how I often spend my Sun­days: either fin­ish­ing off cal­lig­ra­phy for a wed­ding, writ­ing address labels or pho­tograph­ing and pack­ing orders ready to catch the post on Mon­day. Even before I start work­ing on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog!

Today I have added a lit­tle research to my list of jobs, and thought it might help some wed­ding sup­pli­ers out there who are — like me - look­ing for fresh and inno­v­a­tive ways to pho­to­graph wed­ding products.

Beautiful wedding product photography examples — Pinterest

Source: via Claire on Pin­ter­est

Beau­ti­ful wed­ding prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy examples

I’ve spent an hour or so wan­der­ing around the inter­net look­ing for gor­geous and inspir­ing wed­ding prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy. I have 36 menus to pho­to­graph today, and I wanted to see what back­drops peo­ple are using; whether it’s still pop­u­lar to include flow­ers to brighten up an image, if peo­ple are still prop­ping things up with vin­tage teacups etc… and to get some at-a-glance wed­ding prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy tips.

Beautiful wedding product photography examples — Pinterest

Source: via Claire on Pin­ter­est

Pin­ter­est: beau­ti­ful wed­ding prod­uct photography

Rather than bore you with end­less words, I’ve put together a beau­ti­ful wed­ding prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy board on Pin­ter­est with all the loveli­est images I found. The key themes and ideas which crop up over and over again are:

  • sim­ple set-ups
  • rus­tic back­grounds (jute, hemp, wood)
  • bright expo­sures and cre­ative use of light
  • wide crops
  • angled close-ups
  • use the prod­uct: tie it to some­thing, for example

Now I’m off to see if I can put all of these together and pho­to­graph my wed­ding menus in a cre­ative, ele­gant and inspir­ing way. Wish me luck!

Claire x

wed­ding prod­uct pho­tog­ra­phy exam­ples: click the image to see the board on Pinterest