Beautiful Scroll Invitations for Your Wedding — Be Different!

By Claire

You don’t need to think out­side the box. You need to think: box.

Specif­i­cally, think about boxed wed­ding invites or scroll invi­ta­tions for your wed­ding — they’re gor­geous, and just dif­fer­ent enough to get peo­ple talk­ing about your big day.

All of these scroll invi­ta­tions are time­less clas­sics, ele­gant and beau­ti­fully made. They’d fit with an ele­gant vin­tage wed­ding theme and can be adapted to suit any color theme.

Wed­ding invi­ta­tion designer Julie from Carol Miller Designs near Chester has been cre­at­ing these lit­tle beau­ties for years and sells hun­dreds every year. To find out more about the scroll invi­ta­tion designs and options read Julie’s blog post Scroll Wed­ding Invi­ta­tions.