Beautiful Mess

By Uglytruthis

My life is a mess
I feel so irritable and restless
Depression is my closest friend
Consumed by guilt
God I feel you let me down
I am so lost
I have no closer friends
Sometimes I don’t want to be alive
I can’t handle my emotions
They are too big
The pain runs too deep
I feel so alone and scared
I don’t know what to do with my life anymore
I don’t know who I am
I feel like I have reached insanity
I don’t know what I want to be
I feel like I am merely wasting space
I don’t know what else to do
I know I have seen miracles happen
If you don’t show up I don’t what else I can do…
I just really need help
I am self employing

please tell me what I need to do
I direction
I feel sick in a rut
I don’t know what I am good at

I think I am going to go on a positive fast and focus on good things and positive music.

Any suggestions?

Stay strong ♡you are not alone