Beautiful Blogs

By Brokebutbeautiful @never2broke4bea
They say the best things in life are free and Never Too Broke For Beauty defiantly subscribes to this line of thought. So here is a Sunday treat for you;  three blogs I love at the moment so you can indulge in some free Sunday reading!


A really lovely blog written by 22 year old Jennie May. Offers a sneak peak into her life with posts about fashion, makeup and life in general. The photography is absolutely gorgeous. This is definitely one of my favorite blogs and I reckon there are great things on the horizon for Sailor Jennie.
Forever Miss Vanity 
What I really like in a blog is a glimpse into someone else’s life, mainly because my job means that I need to remain anonymous online and so can’t incorporate anything personal into my blog. Forever Miss Vanity is a little glimpse into the world of Jessica. There are posts about fabulous fashion, makeup and really honest accounts about life and finding your place in the world.
A Little Obsessed 

This is a super informative beauty blog about all the latest products on the market. The photography is great and the articles are well written and well observed. This is a must read for those a little obsessed with all things makeup! 
These three blogs are listed on my beautiful blogs page and I would love to expand it and find more fabulous blogs. Please leave me links to your blogs in the comments section so I can check them out and hopefully add some more to my favourites!Happy reading!