Beau Sancy Diamond
It is possible that there is a once in a lifetime event that will occur on May 15, 2012 in the world of diamonds. Rare and precious stones are often auctioned to fetch some enormous and unbelievable selling prices. The notoriety some receive are usually attributed to their relation to the owner or its size, clarity, color and so on. And then there are those that have a story creating a mysterious element that is intriguing as well as fascinating. There is such an event that will undoubtedly get a lot of attention.
34.98 Carat Diamond To Highest Bidder
The Beau Sancy Diamond is to be auctioned and is already receiving estimations of as much as 4 million dollars before it is all said and done. I suppose that this is rather impressive, but what has more interest or draw to me is the story behind this almost 35 carat monstrosity. Some key points about the shape and cut of the Sancy Diamond are not all that impressive until you find out when the expert work was completed.With 110 cuts, it was formed into a tear drop or pear shape, depending on how it is presented. For this kind of accomplishment to be successful today, it is extremely difficult, but something you would expect a professional to be able to achieve. However, would this same expectation exist if you knew it was done during the 15th century?As complex of a work as it appears, the resulting shape and perfection, literally, in artistic appearance and symmetry are overwhelmingly astonishing. Looking at the picture below, carefully gaze at how even, smooth, and sharp its cuts and curves appear. The individual who cut this magnificent piece was truly a master craftsman and a credit to his art.