Beating the Funk: Did Free Books Contribute To My Funk? (Part 3)

By Bookaholic @BookReflections
I've been focusing on my funk and actively trying to get my reading groove back.  And I'm finding some success.  BUT I've also spent more money than I typically spend on books.  I bought 9 books last months.  NINE!!!  I can't keep this up people.
One of the perks of book blogging is I get chances to read books for free in return for my honest review.  This is great but it means, I'm choosing books out of those who send me requests.  I'm not reading the newest reads or the New York Times Best Sellers.  I've been fine with that but  I got on this trend where I was just not enjoying the books I agreed to read and reading felt like an obligation.  So I closed off review requests.
I also get my books and audiobooks from my eLibrary.  I usually do get the newest most popular YA audiobooks from my eLibrary and it has been a great experience.  At one time time, I was on the road A LOT either visiting my parents or my husband.  But now the hubby and I live together and my parents moved out of state so I don't drive to visit them.  I'm just not in my car as much.  It takes me forever to listen to audiobooks like this but it's the best way to get a hold of books everyone's reading.  Plus after buying some of these YA books on paperback, it's hard to go back to audio because these are really quick and easy reads.
I've also stopped reading ebooks from my eLibrary because I'm just not interested in ebooks right now.  It's hard to explain but I just don't read as fast on my iPad.  Additionally, in this current funk, I get easily distracted on my iPad and turn other things like... monopoly.
My other option is the physical library.  I do not have a good relationship with my library here in Austin.  It's sad because I can go to any of them.  I first tried the Austin Public Library system about 7 years ago and there's always something that turns me off.  I just keep butting heads with personnel there.  I don't know what it is.  I took a break and when I moved back, I tried to give it another go.  But when it came time to get another library card, I was denied!!!  Gah!!  Long story short, my driver's license still has a Houston address, none of our bills are in my name, and they won't take the business bills in my name because the address goes to my office and not my home.  So... until I get the address on my license changed, the public library is out of the question.  Plus, I really don't like them anyway.
So how do I beat this funk... on a budget?  Any ideas?  There probably aren't any more options huh?  Gah!!