Beasts Of A Little Land by Juhea Kim #bookreview #tbrchallenge #pebbleinwaterswrites #books @blogchatter

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

Beasts Of A Little Land by Juhea Kim is no less than a classic story penned down so beautifully. The story moves around during the Korean independence movement of 1917 era with a mix of different colors like war, love, and redemption. It's full of emotions carrying various sequences of mainly two main characters. One, a young girl who is sold to a courtesan school. Two, son of a hunter who has nothing in his pockets. The beautiful story goes like this. A local hunter living at the verge of starvation living somewhere in occupied Korea in the deep of mountains covered fully with snow incidentally finds a Japanese officer being attacked by a tiger and the hunter saves this young Japanese officer. In another bizarre incident, a young girl gets sold by her parents who are desperate beyond limits.

Jade's parents sell her to Miss Silver who runs a courtesan school in Pyongyang. During her stay at that courtesan school, Jade meets an orphan boy JungHo. Soon, they both become good friends. JungHo used to earn his living by begging on the streets of Seoul. The story of Beasts Of A Little Land by Juhea Kim is framed on a life-sized canvas that sees JungHo as a grown up young revolutionary fighting for the independence of his country. On the other hand Jade becomes a known performer. The story has a good number of unexpected twists and twirls that keeps it's reader's imagination on its toes. Mostly, it gets difficult to guess what's going to happen next. There's a magical flow in the writing. As a reader, I encountered situations in the story that were least expected according to imaginations. The story is full of climax after climax. 

Overall, Beasts Of A Little Land by Juhea Kim is a fabulous story. It's quite engaging and intriguing. 

I'm participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter