I Don’t Have You On My Mind – Bears // Buy
Cleveland group Bears (@bearspop) is simply a band you want to see succeed — there’s a warm sincerity to both the group and their music that completely melts your heart. They’re the hard-working underdogs who earned their stripes the old fashioned way, beginning by recording homemade demos in a basement and mastering their material out on the road. Dedication, perseverance, a purple tour van and and a fine blend of earnest indie pop have all played important roles in getting them to this point. Seven years in and Bears have reached their highest peak to date: their latest record Greater Lakes is not only their most widely available but also their most consistent and charming effort thus far. The record, much like it’s creators, wears it’s heart firmly on it’s sleeve and completely wins you over. It really is a definite must listen for those of you who like your music with a sincere sense of whimsical beauty.
The band has just two more live performances scheduled for the time being, one in Chicago on the 20th of April and one in Toledo on the 21st. If you can make either show I highly recommend you do!