Beards and Earphones Banned for Soldiers in Public

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

As an American who grew up in a major city, I don't think the sight of soldiers walking through the streets was common. We rarely saw soldiers around. But when we did, the soldiers always, with no exception, looked sharp, put together, clean.. In the movies as well, though not necessarily a indication of reality, soldiers are always clean and orderly, the US military is portrayed as strict on discipline and the appearance of its soldiers.

no more

When Americans come to Israel, a comment often heard is something to the effect of "these are Israel's soldiers?" with a tone of surprise and even a bit of condescension. Israeli soldiers often look a bit disheveled, sloppy, not crisp and not clean and orderly. Far less formal, is perhaps a better way to put it. The answer Israelis always give, when asked, is that Israel's army cares more about what is really important -being a good soldier, fighting, etc. than the crispiness of the uniform.
The IDF is taking another step toward that better appearance of a soldier. They have now announced that IDF soldiers, while in public in uniform, will not be allowed to:
1. randomly grow beards. beards for medical or religious reasons will still be allowed.
2. wear large earphones and headsets. Thin wire earphones with buds will still be allowed (including while traveling on buses).
They explain that many soldiers took advantage of the beard allowance, probably just because it was easier to not shave, but it causes a non-uniform look to the army...
source: Ynet and Bechadrei