Beach and Legally Blonde

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls
This is another week where my social life has picked up, it started on Friday and will carry through to Saturday.
My friend had asked me to join her at a house party on Friday, that was being thrown by her uni friends. I'd had my outfit planned and was going to wear my new dress from Excite. However I got a text at Friday lunch telling me that it was beach themed and I panicked a little. All I could think of was a hula outfit or shorts and a t-shirt, a hula outfit was out of the question at with such short notice and I wouldn't have felt comfortable in shorts so I took the question to Twitter. Luckily Sera came to my rescue and suggested a maxi dress, along with giving me some tips on how to get quick beach waves.

Here you can see my outfit, however I was mid dance and sing so it's not the best of pictures, but I didn't get to take my own as I ended up having to rush getting ready as we decided to go an hour sooner. I had to steal the picture from Facebook and yes I am classy enough to drink wine from a pint glass.
Saturday saw me have a trip to the theater with the same friend and my folks to see Legally Blonde the Musical. "Oh my God, Oh my God you guys!" Ray Quinn and Les Dennis were in it!
We did have a crisis on our way to Bradford when we discovered that we had left the tickets at home but thanks to my quick thinking and idea of ringing the theater we didn't need to go back home for them. We went to Spoons for something to eat and we ended up having to wolf it down as it wasn't served until 7.20 and the show started at half past, we made it though!

 Being daft! Me and Mummy
My dress was from Excite and I love it though I had to take to Twitter again because I wasn't sure what to put with it, both Sera and Elena suggested a belt which I went with. The belt came with another dress, I wore my Primark denim vest, my necklace was one I found that i've never worn and my shoes I got from New Look many moons ago.
I had a fantastic night and absolutely loved Legally Blonde, I now need to see the film. In theory I should have watched the film first but I never like doing things the right way.