And I'm not happy by accident. I've carefully cultivated a life that genuinely brings me joy each and every day. And that's what I want to talk to y'all about in this post!
You have to be your own happy.
I'm writing this on a Wednesday afternoon. I just finished up classes for the day. I've set up my laptop + books in a cozy space at my favorite coffee shop. The sunshine is pouring through the open door next to me. I almost went home like I usually do. But I decided that today, I wanted to intentionally choose to do things that make me happy. I didn't want to go through the mundane motions of a "normal" day. I have client programs to write and homework to do, but that doesn't mean that I have to grudgingly go sit in a dark corner and plow through those tasks. I chose to sit somewhere that brings me joy and it is making my"work" much more pleasurable. I am choosing my happy. I am creating my happy. I am living my happy.
So I just want to encourage you to constantly seek out things that make you happy. Don't wait for someone else to make you happy. Don't wait for circumstances to work themselves out in a way that make you happy. Choose to be your own happy! Chase after the big things that make you happy. Chase after the small things that make you happy. Your life is a reflection of your choices. You're in control of how you react to what is going in your life. Choose happy.