Be the Change: Speak Out

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

Animals cannot speak so it is important for us to be their voice

If you see a hurt, abandoned, neglected, abused, dying animal, please stand UP and speak OUT for them and keep on speaking and standing until Justice is served.

A few recent examples below:

We are strategizing to change the policies of the Denver police department. Harley is a dog that was injured from being hit by a car, the Denver Police Department stood there for over 90 minutes without giving the dog any comfort or allowed any medical help at all as he lay there whimpering in pain. Their claim is that they needed to wait for Animal Control. Animal Control did not arrive for 90 minutes. PLUS, the police threatened to arrest a neighbor who was willing to take Harley to the hospital with the intimidation tactic that he would be interfering with an investigation. There was no investigation. The police didn’t allow this neighbor to help this dog or soothe him in any way, no blanket. Nothing. I am still unclear if Harley died before Animal Control arrived 90 minutes later or while he was being transported to wherever Animal Control was going to transport him. Either way, The Denver Police Department allowed this elderly dog of 14 years old to suffer for over 90 minutes without anyone helping him or showing him any love.

Harley’s Mom Speaks Out…

In another case of cruelty towards an animal, because people spoke out the abuser is now in jail,

The PIBBLE March on Washington DC is all about ending abuse and discrimination of pit bulls. ‪#‎realmenlovePIBBLES‬